Gaining momentum
Stepping into the big leagues
Go from zero to one
Capital Raised
Client Founders
Know what investors want - and how to give it to them
Learn how investors see the world and how to stand out from other founders using psychologically powerful law industry techniques.
Execute successful fundraises. Over and over.
Stack your calendar and generate hype about your startup before you enter the boardroom.
Captivate top talent to build your vision
Get industry-best minds to build your vision by showing them how they're joining the birth of a movement.
Master storytelling
Stack your calendar and generate hype about your startup before you enter the boardroom.
Success Stories
Success Stories
Founder Must-Reads
Founder Must-Reads
Remove the
barriers to funding
Join over 75 founders already growing with Founder Fundraising.
How We Transform Founders
How We Transform Founders
> Investor psychology
Learn how investors see the world and how to stand out from other founders using psychologically powerful law industry techniques.
> Fundraise planning
Stack your calendar and generate hype about your startup before you enter the boardroom.
> Hiring top talent
Get industry-best minds to build your vision by showing them how they're joining the birth of a movement.
> Storytelling mastery
Captivate anybody who you meet with the persuasion techniques of history's best founders and storytellers.