What to Say When Your Competitors are Huge
Every investor is going to want to know how you're going to stand up against the biggest competitor in your space. Don't be frazzled. It's their job. But they are going to want to know the answer to these THREE questions. Answered them right using a powerful storytelling framework and you might just be the next Carlos Alcaraz of your field.
minute read

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Robbie is the founder of Founder Fundraising and venture partner with Antler VC.
A former trial lawyer and prosecutor in Dallas, TX, Robbie trains founders to become world-class storytellers and venture capital fundraisers.
In barely two years, he's helped founders raise $575,000,000 of venture capital
A former trial lawyer and prosecutor in Dallas, TX, Robbie trains founders to become world-class storytellers and venture capital fundraisers.
In barely two years, he's helped founders raise $575,000,000 of venture capital
Raising money for your startup? Get in touch here.